

Blokhuis, H., Miele, M., Veissier, I. and Jones, B. (eds) (2013)Improving Farm Animal Welfare: Science and Society Working Together: The Welfare Quality Approach. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 

This book synthesises the huge body of work carried out by the largest ever international network of scientists and stakeholders in Welfare Quality and describes why particular paths were chosen, some of the obstacles encountered and their solution, and some outputs and major achievements. It also clearly sets out what still needs to be done and presents selected strategies and technologies (automation, proxy indicators, targeting of risk factors etc) designed to ensure the continued improvement of welfare and its assessment.

The book provides a valuable source of knowledge on farm animal welfare for social and animal scientists, students, teachers, policy makers, lobby groups and the animal industry.

Vermeer, H.M., Reenen, C.G. van and Spoolder, H.A.M. (2012) Vereenvoudiging Welfare Quality® protocol voor varkens (English summary: 'Simplifying the Welfare Quality® Protocol for Pigs'), Rapport 622. Lelystad: Wageningen UR Livestock Research.

Blokhuis, H.J., Jones, R.B, Veissier, I. and Geers, R. (2006) Measuring and Monitoring Farm Animal Welfare, COST Action 846. Leuven: K.U.Leuven R&D.

Articles in Refereed Journals


Buller, Henry, Blokhuis, Harry, Lokhorst, Kees, Silberberg, Mathieu and Veissier, Isabelle, 2020. Animal welfare management in a digital world. Animals, 10, 1779; doi:10.3390/ani10101779


Blokhuis, H.J., Veissier, I., Miele, M. and Jones, R.B., 2019. Safeguarding farm animal welfare. In: Melissa Vogt (Ed.), Sustainability Certification Schemes in the Agricultural and Natural Resource Sectors. Outcomes for Society and the Environment. Routledge, London, UK, 137-153.

Linda Jane Keeling, Håkan Tunon, Gabriela Olmos Antillón, Charlotte Lotta Berg, Michael Jones, Leopoldo Stuardo, Janice Swanson, Anna Wallenbeck, Christoph Winckler and Harry Blokhuis, 2019. Animal Welfare and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, section Animal Behavior and Welfare, 6, 1-12 (10 October 2019).


Nielsen, P., Fontana, I., Sloth, K.H., Guarino, M. and Blokhuis, H.J., 2018. Technical note: Validation and comparison of two commercially available activity loggers. Journal of Dairy Science, 101:1–5

Blokhuis, H.J., 2018. Animal Welfare information in a changing world. In: A. Butterworth (Ed.), Animal Welfare in a changing world. CABI, Wallingford, UK, 208-216.

Buller, H., Blokhuis, H., Jensen, P. and Keeling, L., 2018. Towards Farm AnimalWelfare and Sustainability. Review. Animals 2018, 8, 81; doi:10.3390/ani8060081

Viksten, S.M., Visser, E.K., Hitchens, P.L. and Blokhuis, H.J., 2018. The effects of feedback from horse welfare assessments. Animal Welfare, 27: 125-131. doi: 10.7120/09627286.27.2.125


Viksten, S.M., Visser, E.K., Nyman, S. and Blokhuis, H.J., 2017. Developing a horse welfare assessment protocol. Animal Welfare 26, 59-65.

Silvera, A.M., Wallenbeck, A., Butterworth, A. and Blokhuis, H.J., 2017. Modification of the human–broiler relationship and its potential effects on production. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science, 66, 161-167. DOI: 10.1080/09064702.2017.1286379

Gocsik, E., Silvera, A., Hansson, H., Saatkamp, H. and Blokhuis, H.J., 2017. Exploring the economic potential of reducing broiler lameness. British Poultry Science 58:4, 337-347.

Silvera, A.M., Knowles, T.G., Butterworth, A., Berckmans, D., Vranken, E. and Blokhuis, H.J., 2017. Lameness assessment with automatic monitoring of activity in commercial broiler flocks Poultry Science 0, 1-5.


Viksten, S.M., Visser, E.K. and Blokhuis, H.J., 2016. A comparative study of the application of two horse welfare assessment protocols. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica – Section A. vol 66, no 1, 56-65. 


Main, D.C.J., Mullan, S., Atkinson, C., Cooper, M., Wrathall, J.H.M. and Blokhuis, H.J., 2014. Best practice framework for animal welfare certification schemes. Trends in Food Science & Technology 37, 127-136

Veissier, I., Mounier, L., Boissy, A., Boivin, X., Meunier-Salaun, M.C., Spoolder, H. and Blokhuis, H.J. Animal-based indicators for welfare assessment. ASIRPA Socio-economic analysis of the diversity of Impacts of Public Research for Agriculture, INRA, 28pp.


Bassler, A., Arnould, C., Butterworth, A., Colin, L., De Jong, I.C., Ferrante, V., Ferrari, P., Haslam, S., Wemelsfelder, F. and Blokhuis, H.J., 2013. Factors associated with contact dermatitis, walking ability, emotional state and human-animal relationship in broiler chicken flocks. Poultry Science  vol. 92  no. 11  2811-2826

Blokhuis, H.J., Jones, R.B, Veissier, I. and Miele, M. (Eds.), 2013. Improving farm animal welfare. Science and society working together: the Welfare Quality approach. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen. 232p.

Blokhuis, H.J., Veissier, I., Jones, R.B, and Miele, M., 2013. The Welfare Quality® vision. In: Blokhuis, H.J., Jones, R.B, Veissier, I. and Miele, M. (Eds.), Improving farm animal welfare. Science and society working together: the Welfare Quality approach. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen. 71-89.

Blokhuis, H.J., Jones, R.B, Miele, M. and Veissier, I., 2013. Assessing and improving farm animal welfare: the way forward. In: Blokhuis, H.J., Jones, R.B, Veissier, I. and Miele, M. (Eds.), Improving farm animal welfare. Science and society working together: the Welfare Quality approach. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen. 215-222.

Butterworth, A., Blokhuis, H.J., Jones, R.B, and Veissier, I., 2013. Relevance and implementation of Welfare Quality® assessment systems. In: Blokhuis, H.J., Jones, R.B, Veissier, I. and Miele, M. (Eds.), Improving farm animal welfare. Science and society working together: the Welfare Quality approach. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen. 201-214

Miele, M., Blokhuis, H.J., Bennett, R. and Bock, B., 2013. Changes in farming and in stakeholder concern for animal welfare. In: Blokhuis, H.J., Jones, R.B, Veissier, I. and Miele, M. (Eds.), Improving farm animal welfare. Science and society working together: the Welfare Quality approach. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen. 19-47.



Blokhuis, H.J., 2012. Welfare Quality®. World’s PoultryScience Journal. 68, supplement 1, 1-7.

Evans, A. and Miele, M. (2012) Between food and flesh: how animals are made to matter (and not to matter) within food consumption practices, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30(2), pp. 298–314, doi:10.1068/d12810.

Leruste, H., Bokkers, E.A.M., Heutinck, L.F.M., Wolthuis-Fillerup, M., Werf, J.T.N. van der, Brscic, M., Cozzi, G., Engel, B., Reenen, C.G. van and Lensink, B.J. (2012). Evaluation of onfarm veal calves’ responses to unfamiliar humans and potential influencing factors, animal, 6(12), pp 2003–2010, doi:10.1017/S1751731112001346.

Leruste, H., Brscic, M., Heutinck, L.F.M., Visser, E.K., Wolthuis-Fillerup, E.K., Bokkers, E.A.M., Stockhofe-Zurwieden, N., Cozzi, G., Gottardo, F., Lensink, B.J. and Reenen, C.G. van (2012) The relationship between clinical signs of respiratory system disorders and lung lesions at slaughter in veal calves, Preventive Veterinary Medicine 105(1–2), pp. 93– 100, doi:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2012.01.015.

Temple, D., Courboulay, V., Manteca, X., Velarde, A. and Dalmau, A. (2012) The welfare of growing pigs in five different production systems: assessment of feeding and housing, Animal, 6, pp. 656–667.

Temple, D., Courboulay, V., Velarde, A., Dalmau, A. and Manteca, X. (2012) The welfare of growing pigs in five different production systems in France and Spain: assessment of health, Animal Welfare, 21, pp. 257–271.

Veissier, I., Aubert, A. and Boissy, A. (2012) Animal welfare: a result of animal background and perception of its environment, Animal Frontiers, 2(3), pp. 7–15, doi:10.2527/af.2012-0043.

Velarde, A. and Dalmau, A. (2012) Animal welfare assessment at slaughter in Europe: moving from inputs to outputs, Meat Science, 92, pp. 244–251.


Ingenbleek, P.T.M., Blokhuis, H.J., Butterworth, A. and Keeling, L.J. (2011) A scenario analysis on the implementation of a farm animal welfare assessment system, Animal Welfare, 20(4), pp. 613–621.

Miele, M. (2011) The taste of happiness: free range chicken, Environment and Planning A, 43(9), pp. 2070–2090, doi: 10.1068/a43257. (2011 Environmental and Planning A Ashby Prize).

Miele, M., Buller, H., Veissier, I., Bock, B. and Spoolder, H. (2011) Knowing animals: introduction and overview, Animal Welfare, 20(1), pp. 1–2.

Miele, M., Veissier, I., Evans, A. and Botreau, R. (2011) Animal welfare: establishing a dialogue between science and society, Animal Welfare, 20(1), pp. 103–117.

Temple, D., Dalmau, A., Ruiz de la Torre, J.L., Manteca, X. and Velarde, A. (2011) Application of the Welfare Quality® protocol to assess growing pigs kept under intensive conditions in Spain, Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 6, pp. 138–149.

Temple, D., Manteca, X., Velarde, A. and Dalmau, A. (2011) Assessment of animal welfare through behavioural parameters in Iberian pigs in intensive and extensive conditions, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 131, pp. 29–39.

Thompson, P., Appleby, M., Busch, L., Kalof, L., Miele, M., Norwood, B. and Pajor, E. (2011) Values and public acceptability dimensions of sustainable egg production, Poultry Science, 90, pp. 2097–2109, doi:10.3382/ps.2010-0138.

Veissier, I., Jensen, K.K., Botreau, R. and Sandøe, P. (2011) Highlighting ethical choices underlying the scoring of animal welfare, Animal Welfare, 20(1), pp. 89–101.


Blokhuis, H., Veissier, I., Miele, M. and Jones, B. (2010) The Welfare Quality® project and beyond: safeguarding farm animal well-being, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A – Animal Sciences, 60(3), pp 129–140.

Dalmau, A., Geverink, N.A., Van Nuffel, A., Van Steenbergen, L., Reenen, K. van, Hautekiet, V., Vermeulen, K., Velarde, A. and Tuyttens, F.A.M. (2010) Repeatability of lameness, fear and slipping scores to assess animal welfare upon arrival in pig slaughterhouses, Animal, 4(5), pp. 804–809.

Miele, M. and Evans, A. (2010) When foods become animals: ruminations on ethics and responsibility in care-full spaces of consumption, Ethics, Policy and Environment, 13(2), pp. 171–190.

Mounier, L., De Boyer, A. and Veissier, I. (2010) Evaluation du bien-être selon la méthode Welfare Quality®, Le Point Vétérinaire, 41(307), pp. 53–60.

Veissier, I., Botreau, R. and Perny, P. (2010) Evaluation multicritere appliquee au bien-etre des animaux en ferme ou a l'abattoir: difficultes et solutions du projet Welfare Quality® (Multicriteria evaluation applied to farm animal welfare: difficulties and solutions from the Welfare Quality® project) (English abstract), INRA Productions Animales, 23(3), pp. 269-284.


Boivin, X., Gilard, F. and Egal, D. (2009) The effect of early human contact and the separation method from the dam on responses of beef calves to humans, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 120, pp. 132–139.

Bokkers, E.A.M., Leruste, H., Heutinck, L.F.M., Wolthuis-Fillerup, M., Werf, J.T.N. van der, Lensink, B.J. and Reenen, C.G. van (2009) Inter-observer and test-retest reliability of on-farm behavioural observations in veal calves, Animal Welfare, 18, pp. 381–390.

Botreau, R., Veissier, I. and Perny, P. (2009) Overall assessment of cow welfare: strategy adopted in Welfare Quality®, Animal Welfare, 18(4), pp. 363–370.

Canali, E. and Keeling, L. (2009) Welfare Quality project: from scientific research to on farm assessment of animal welfare, Italian Journal of Animal Sciences, 8(2S), pp. 900–903.

Dalmau, A., Fabrega, E. and Velarde, A. (2009) Fear Assessment in pigs exposed to a novel object test, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 117, pp. 173–180.

Dalmau, A., Temple, D., Rodriguez, P., Llonch, P. and Velarde, A. (2009) Application of the Welfare Quality® protocol at pig slaughterhouses, Animal Welfare, 18, pp. 381–390.

D’Eath, R.B., Roehe, R., Turner, S.P., Ison, S.H., Farish, M., Jack, M.C., Lundeheim, N., Rydhmer, L. and Lawrence, A.B. (2009) Genetics of animal temperament: aggressive behaviour at mixing is genetically associated with the response to handling in pigs, Animal, 3, pp. 1544–1554.

De Rosa, G., Grasso, F., Pacelli, C., Napolitano, F. and Winckler, C. (2009) The welfare of dairy buffalo, Italian Journal of Animal Science, 8(1S), pp. 103–116.

Dippel, S., Dolezal, M., Brenninkmeyer, C., Brinkmann, J., March, S., Knierim, U. and Winckler, C. (2009) Risk factors for lameness in cubicle housed Austrian Simmental dairy cows, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 90, pp. 102–112.

Dippel, S., Dolezal, M., Brenninkmeyer, C., Brinkmann, J., March, S., Knierim, U. and Winckler, C. (2009) Risk factors for lameness in cubicle housed dairy cows across two breeds, farming systems and countries, Journal of Dairy Science, 92(11), pp. 5476–5486.

Fernàndez de Sevilla, X., Casellas, J., Tibau, J. and Fàbrega, E. (2009) Consistency and influence on performance of behavioural differences in Large White and Landrace purebred pigs, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 117, pp. 13–19.

Fernàndez de Sevilla, X., Fàbrega, E., Tibau, J. and Casellas, J. (2009) Competing risk analyses of longevity in Duroc sows with a special emphasis on leg conformation, Animal, 3, pp. 446–453.

Fernàndez de Sevilla, X., Fàbrega, E., Tibau, J. and Casellas, J. (2009) Genetic background and phenotypic characterization over two farrowings of leg conformation defects in Landrace and Large White sows, Journal of Animal Science 87, pp. 1606–1612.

Huertas Canén, S.M. (2009) El Bienestar Animal: un Tema Científico, Ético, Económico Y Político (English summary: 'Animal welfare: a scientific, ethical, economical and political topic'), Agrociencia, 13(3), pp. 45–50.

Huertas, S.M., Gil, A., Piaggio, J. and Eerdenburg, F.J.C.M. van (2009) Transportation of beef cattle to slaughter houses and its relation to animal welfare and meat quality in an extensive production system, Animal Welfare, 19, pp. 281–285.

Knierim, U. and Winckler, C. (2009) On-farm welfare assessment in cattle: validity, reliability and feasibility issues and future perspectives with special regard to the Welfare Quality® approach, Animal Welfare, 18, pp. 451–458.

Leach, K.A., Dippel, S., Huber, J., March, S, Winckler, C. and Whay, H.R. (2009) Assessing lameness in cows kept in tie-stalls, Journal of Dairy Science, 92, pp. 1575–1580.

Schulze Westerath, H., Laister, S., Winckler, C. and Knierim, U. (2009) Exploration as an indicator of good welfare in beef bulls: an attempt to develop a test for on-farm assessment, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 116, pp. 126–133.

Scott, K., Binnendijk, G.P., Edwards, S.A., Guy, J.H., Kiezebrink, M.C. and Vermeer, H.M. (2009) Preliminary evaluation of a prototype welfare monitoring system for sows and piglets (Welfare Quality® project), Animal Welfare, 18, pp. 441–449.

Scott, K., Laws, D.M., Courboulay, V., Meunier-Salaün, M.C. and Edwards, S.A. (2009) Comparison of methods to assess fear of humans in sows, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 118, pp. 36–41.

Statham, P., Green, L., Bichard, M. and Mendl, M. (2009) Predicting tail-biting from behaviour of pigs prior to outbreaks, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 121, pp. 157–164.

Turner, S.P., Roehe, R., D’Eath, R.B., Ison, S.H., Farish, M., Jack, M.C., Lundeheim, N., Rydhmer, L. and Lawrence, A.B. (2009) Genetic validation of post-mixing skin injuries in pigs as an indicator of aggressiveness and the relationship with injuries under more stable social conditions, Journal of Animal Science, 87, pp. 3076–3082.

Windschnurer, I., Boivin, X. and Waiblinger, S. (2009) Reliability of an avoidance distance test for the assessment of animals' responsiveness to humans and a preliminary investigation of its association with farmers' attitudes on bull fattening farms, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 117(3–4), pp. 117–127.


Blokhuis, H.J. (2008) International cooperation in animal welfare: the Welfare Quality® project, Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 50(Suppl 1), p. S10.

Blokhuis, H.J., Keeling, L.J., Gavinelli, A. and Serratosa, J. (2008) Animal welfare’s impact on the food chain, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 19, pp. S75–S83.

Bouvarel, I., Chagneau, A.M., Lescoat, P., Tesseraud, S. and Leterrier, C. (2008) Forty-eight-hour cycle sequential feeding with diets varying in protein and energy contents: adaptation in broilers at different ages, Poultry Science, 87(1), pp. 196–203.

Bracke, M.B.M. and Spoolder, H.A.M. (2008) Novel object test can detect marginal differences in environmental enrichment in pigs, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 109(1), pp. 39–48.

Fernàndez de Sevilla, X., Fàbrega, E., Tibau, J. and Casellas, J. (2008) Effect of leg conformation on survivability of Duroc, Landrace and Large White sows, Journal of Animal Science, 86, pp. 2392–2400.

González, L.A., Ferret, A., Manteca, X., Ruiz-de-la-Torre, J.L., Calsamiglia, S., Devant, M. and Bach, A. (2008) Performance, behavior, and welfare of Friesian heifers housed in pens at 2, 4 and 8 individuals per concentrate feeding place, Journal of Animal Science, 86(6), pp. 1446–1458.

Graml, C., Niebuhr, K. and Waiblinger, S. (2008) Reaction of laying hens to humans in the home or a novel environment, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 113, pp. 98–109.

Graml, C., Waiblinger, S. and Niebuhr, K. (2008) Validation of tests for on-farm assessment of the hen-human relationship in non-cage systems, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 111, pp. 301–310.

Turner, S.P., Roehe, R., Mekkawy, W., Farnworth, M.J., Knap, P.W. and Lawrence, A.B. (2008) Bayesian analysis of genetic associations of skin lesions and behavioural traits to identify genetic components of individual aggressiveness in pigs, Behavior Genetics, 38, pp. 67–75.

Veissier, I., Bock, B.B., Butterworth, A. and Roe, E. (2008) European approaches to ensure good animal welfare, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 113(4), pp. 279–297.

Windschnurer, I., Schmied, C., Boivin, X. and Waiblinger, S. (2008) Reliability and inter-test relationship of tests for on-farm assessment of dairy cows’ relationship to humans, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 114(1–2), pp. 37–53.


Bock, B.B. and Huik, M.M. van (2007) Animal welfare, attitudes and behaviour of pig farmers across Europe, British Food Journal, 109(11), pp. 931–944.

Bock, B.B., Huik, M.M. vand, Prutzer, M., Kling Eveillard, F. and Dockes, A. (2007) Farmers' relationship with different animals: the importance of getting close to the animals: case studies of French, Swedish and Dutch cattle, pig and poultry farmers, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 15(3), pp. 108–125.

Boivin, X., Marcantognini, L., Boulesteix, P., Godet, J., Brulé, A. and Veissier, I. (2007) Attitudes of farmers towards Limousin cattle and their handling, Animal Welfare, 16, pp. 147–151.

Borgen, S.O. and Skarstad, G.A. (2007) Norwegian pig farmers' motivations for improving animal welfare, British Food Journal, 109(11), pp. 891–905.

Botreau, R., Bonde, M., Butterworth, A., Perny, P., Bracke, M.B.M., Capdeville, J. and Veissier, I. (2007) Aggregation of measures to produce an overall assessment of animal welfare. Part 1: a review of existing methods, Animal, 1(8), pp. 1179–1187.

Botreau, R., Bracke, M.B.M., Perny, P., Butterworth, A., Capdeville, J., Rennen, C.G. van and Veissier, I. (2007) Aggregation of measures to produce an overall assessment of animal welfare. Part 2: analysis of constraints, Animal, 1(8), pp. 1188–1197.

Botreau, R., Veissier, I., Butterworth, A., Bracke, M.B.M. and Keeling, L.J. (2007) Definition of criteria for overall assessment of animal welfare, Animal Welfare, 16(2), pp. 225–228.

Bracke, M.B.M. (2007) Animal-based parameters are no panacea for on-farm monitoring of animal welfare, Animal Welfare, 16, pp. 229–231.

Brenninkmeyer, C., Dippel, S., March, S., Brinkmann, J., Winckler, C. and Knierim, U. (2007) Reliability of a subjective lameness scoring system for dairy cows, Animal Welfare, 16, pp. 127–129.

Bruckmeier, K. and Prutzer, M. (2007) Swedish pig producers and their perspectives on animal welfare: a case study, British Food Journal, 109(11), pp. 906–918.

Buller, H. and Cesar, C. (2007) Eating well, eating fare: farm animal welfare in France, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 15(3), pp. 45–58. Chaloupková, H., Illmann, G., Bartoš, L. and Špinka, M. (2007) Effect of the pre-weaning housing system on play and agonistic behaviour in domestic pigs, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 103, pp. 25–34.

Dockes, A.-C., Kling-Eveillard, F., Jacquinot, M. and Beche, J.-M. (2007) Consommateurs et éleveurs face à la problématique du bien-être animal (English summary: 'Consumers and cattle farmers face the issue of animal welfare'), 3R Rencontres sur les Recherches sur les Ruminants, 14, pp. 285–292.

Hubbard, C., Bourlakis, M. and Garrod, G. (2007) Pig in the middle: farmers and the delivery of farm animal welfare standards, British Food Journal, 109(11), pp. 919–930.

Huik, M.M. van and Bock, B.B. (2007) Attitudes of Dutch pig farmers towards animal welfare, British Food Journal, 109(11), pp. 879–890.

Ingenbleek, P., Binnekamp, M. and Goddijn, S. (2007) Setting standards for CSR: a comparative case study on criteria-formulating arganizations, Journal of Business Research, 60, pp. 539–548.

Kling-Eveillard, F., Dockès, A., Souquet, C. (2007) Attitudes of French pig farmers towards animal welfare, British Food Journal, 109(11), pp. 859–869.

Mayfield, L.E., Bennett, R.M., Tranter, R.B. and Wooldridge, M.J. (2007) Consumption of welfare-friendly food products in Great Britain, Italy and Sweden, and how it may be influenced by consumer attitudes to, and behaviour towards, animal welfare attributes, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 15(3), pp. 59-73.

Menghi, A. (2007) Italian pig producers’ attitude toward animal welfare, British Food Journal, 109(11), pp. 870–878.

Miele, M. and Bock, B. (2007) Competing discourses of farm animal welfare and agri-food restructuring, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 15(3), pp. 1–7.

Raubek, J., Niebuhr, K. and Waiblinger, S. (2007) Development of on-farm methods to assess the animal-human relationship in laying hens kept in non-cage systems, Animal Welfare, 16(2), pp. 173–176.

Skarstad, G.Å., Terragni, L. and Torjusen, H. (2007) Animal welfare according to Norwegian consumers and producers: definitions and implications, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 15(3), pp. 74-90.

Su, G., Lund, M.S. and Sorensen, D. (2007) Selection for litter size at day five improves litter size at weaning and piglet survival rate, Journal of Animal Science, 85(6), pp. 1385–1392.

Staack, M., Gruber, B., Keppler, C., Zaludik, K., Niebuhr, K. and Knierim, U. (2007) Bedeutung der Aufzucht der Legehennen für alternative Haltungsformen, Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 114, pp. 86–90.

Veissier I., Botreau R., Capdeville J., 2007. L'évaluation globale du bien-être des animaux: objectifs, outils disponibles, utilisations, exemple du projet Welfare Quality® (English summary: 'Animal welfare assessment on farms: objectives, available tools, uses, example of the project Welfare Quality®'), 3R Rencontres sur les Recherches sur les Ruminants, 14, pp. 277–284.


Veissier, I., Blokhuis, H.J., Geers, R., Jones, B. and Miele, M. (2005) Le projet Welfare Quality: de l'attente des consommateurs à la mise en place de certifications bien-être en élevage (English summary: 'The Welfare Quality project: from consumer expectations to welfare certifications in animal husbandry'), Bulletin de l'Academie Veterinaire de France, 158(3), pp. 263–267.


Blokhuis, H.J., Jones, R.B., Geers, R., Miele, M. and Veissier, I. (2003) Measuring and monitoring animal welfare: transparency in the food product quality chain, Animal Welfare, 12, pp. 445–455.

Book Chapters


Ribó, O. and Blokhuis, H. (2012) Risk assessment methodology and identification of animal-based indicators to assess animal welfare at farm level, in: C. Jakobsson (ed.) Sustainable Agriculture, Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture 1. Uppsala: Baltic University Programme, Uppsala University, pp. 362–368.


Veissier, I. (2010) Bien-être animal: peut-on objectiver la subjectivité de l'animal?, in F. Burgat (ed.) Penser le comportement animal, contribution à une critique du réductionnisme, Versailles: Editions Quæ, pp. 209–220.

Conference Papers


Veissier, I. (2012) Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm Level: Welfare Criteria and Indicators Developed in Welfare Quality®. Presented at 2nd PsiAnimal Conference 'Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare', Lisbon, 22–23, 29–30 September.

Veissier, I. and Botreau, R. (2012) Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm Level: Building an Overall Assessment. Presented at 2nd PsiAnimal Conference 'Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare', Lisbon, 22–23, 29–30 September.

Veissier, I., and Mounier, L. (2012). Improving Animal Welfare: Rational and Examples. Presented at 2nd PsiAnimal Conference 'Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare', Lisbon, 22–23, 29–30 September.


Veissier, I., Dallery, B., Dujour, E., Gardarin, C., Hadjemi, A., Illovies, A., Mandonnet, J., Ossinonde, B., Baudoux, H., Blanc, F. and Laurent, C. (2011) Les éleveurs laitiers français face à l'outil d'évaluation Welfare Quality®, 18e Journées 3R – 2011, p. 75.

Veissier, I. and Dalmau, A. (2011) Advantages/Disadvantages of Animal Based Measures and Resource Based Measures in Terms of the Quality of the Welfare Assessment on Farm. Presented at Interdisciplinary Seminar 'The Consequences of Introducing Animal Based Welfare Assessment in Legislation and Official Control', Swedish Centre of Animal Welfare, Uppsala, 4 October.

Veissier, I., Mounier, L., Dalmau, A., Knierim, U., Winckler, C. and Velarde, A. (2011) Output vs. design indicators: a review of the benefits and drawbacks for on-farm welfare assessment, in: T. Widowski, P. Lawlis and K. Sheppard (eds) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level WAFL 2011, University of Guelph, Guelph, 8–11 August, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 71.


Blokhuis, H.J. (2010) Introduction to the Welfare Quality® project, in: Proceedings of Veterinärkongressen 2010, Uppsala, 11-12 November, pp. 267–269.

Boissy, A., Blokhuis, H. and Veissier, I. (2010) Animal welfare in europe: viewpoint of a global evaluation at farm, contributions for livestock management and perspectives for sheep, in: Proceedings of 8th World Merino Conference, Rambouillet (FRA), 4-5 May.

Botreau, R., Champciaux, P., Lamadon, A., Brun, J.P. and Veissier, I. (2010) Animal welfare at farm level: overall assessment and software tool, in: Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Towards Environmental Technologies, Clermont-Ferrand, 6–8 Septembre, Aubiere: Cemagref.

Miele, M. and Veissier, I. (2010) Scoring Animal Life. Presented at Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, Trento, 2–4 September.

Veissier, I. (2010) The Horizontal and Vertical EU Legislation on Animal Welfare at Farm Level. Presented at Sino-European Food Safety Cooperation Forum, Shanghai, 7–11 June.

Veissier, I. and Botreau, R. (2010) Le projet Welfare & Quality®. Pretented at Réunion du Synalaf, Paris, 16 February.

Veissier, I. and Botreau, R. (2010) Qualité 'bien-être' de la ferme à l'abattoir: un outil d'évaluation globale 'De la douleur au bien-être animal'. Presented at Sommet de l'élevage, Cournon, 8 October.

Veissier, I. and Botreau, R. (2010) Un outil d'évaluation globale du bien-être animal en ferme et à l'abattoir. Presented at Colloque 'de la douleur au bien-être animal', Salon International de l'Agriculture, Paris, 1 March.

Veissier, I. and Le, N. (2010) La protection animale en France et en Europe: les bases du dialogue entre les différentes parties prenantes. Presented at Colloque 'Bien-être animal' Space, Rennes, 16 septembre.


Arnould, C. and Colin, L. (2009) Evaluation du bien-être des poulets de chair en élevage commercial. Premiers résultats français issus du projet européen Welfare Quality®. Actes des Huitièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole, St Malo, France, 25-26 March 2009, pp. 55–59.

Baroli, D., Minero, M., Zucca, D., Waiblinger, S., Mattiello, S. and Canali, E. (2009) How do Italian farmers perceive their dairy cows, Proceedings of the Conference Knowing Animals, Florence, 5–6 March.

Blokhuis, H.J. (2009) Filling gaps, exploiting new technologies, maintaining an assessment system and keeping up the momentum, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings of ‘Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparency in the Food Production Chain’, Uppsala, 8-9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 93–96.

Blokhuis, H.J. (2009). The vision of the Welfare Quality project. in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings of ‘Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparency in the Food Production Chain’, Uppsala, 8-9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 17–21.

Blokhuis, H. (2009) Welfare Quality®'s drivers and vision, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 17–21.

Bock, B. (2009) Farmers' perspectives, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 73–75.

Boivin, X. (2009) Farms, farmers and handling stress in beef cattle, in: F. Napolitano, G. De Rosa and A. Braghieri (eds) Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Cervia, 22 May. Potenza: Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Animali, Università della Basilicata, p. 9.

Brenninkmeyer, C., Dippel, S., Winckler, C. and Knierim, U. (2009) Aufsteh- und Abliegezeiten bei Milchvieh in Liegeboxenlaufställen: Lassen sich Rückschlüsse auf die Liegeboxen-Qualität ziehen?, in: Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (ed.) Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 2009, KTBL-Schrift 471. Darmstadt: KTBL, pp. 105–113.

Buller, H. (2009) What can we tell consumers and retailers?, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 43–46.

Butterworth, A. (2009) Feeding support information back to management, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 33–37.

Butterworth, A., Blokhuis, H., Jones, B. and Veissier, I. (eds) (2009) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®.

Canario, L, Bergsma, R., D'Eath, R.B., Lawrence, A.B., Roehe, R., Lundeheim, N., Rydhmer, L., Knol, E. and Turner, S.P. (2009) Genetic associations of group effects for growth estimated using a cooperation model with post-mixing agonistic behaviours, skin lesions and activity in pigs, Proceedings of the UFAW International Symposium, Bristol, p. 31.

Cesar, D and Huertas, S. (2009) Experiencia de Capacitación en Bienestar Animal en Uruguay. Presented at I Encuentro de Investigadores en Bienestar Animal de las Américas, Valdivia, 2-4 November.

Ferrari, P., Butterworth, A., Jong, I.C. de, Brown, S.N. and Ferrante,V. (2009) Implementation of the Welfare Quality®: on-farm protocol for assessing broiler welfare, in: World Poultry Science Association, Proceedings of the 8th European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, Cervia, 18–22 May. Beekbergen: WPSA, p. 45.

Gratzer, E., Bernardi, F., Brinkmann, J., Kirchner, M., Leeb, C., March, S., Winckler, C. and Vaarst, M. (2009) Animal welfare assessment protocols as part of herd health and welfare planning tools, in: Proceedings Conference 'Knowing Animals: Cross-fertilisation between Natural and Social Sciences for Understanding the Quality of Life', Florence, 5–6 March, p. 46.

Huertas, S.M. (2009) Improving animal welfare during transport improves the production of beef cattle in Uruguay, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 55–57.

Huertas, S. (2009) La Importancia del Bienestar Animal en la Cadena Carnica: Experiencia de Uruguay. Presented at I Encuentro de Investigadores en Bienestar Animal de las Américas, Valdivia, 2–4 November.

Jones, B. and Manteca, X. (2009) Improvement strategies from Welfare Quality®, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 39–42.

Keeling, L. (2009) How did we design the welfare measures?, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 23–25.

Knierim, U. and Winckler, C. (2009) Möglichkeiten und Probleme der Anwendung tierbezogener Messgrößen bei der Beurteilung der Tiergerechtheit auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben - Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt Welfare Quality®, in: Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (ed.) Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 2009, KTBL-Schrift 471. Darmstadt: KTBL, pp. 74–84.

Miele, M. (2009) Citizen juries: testing the legitimacy of the Welfare Quality protocol, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 77-79.

Plesch, G., Broerkens, N., Laister, S., Knierim, U. and Winckler, C. (2009) Evaluation of different measures of rising and lying down difficulties for the on-farm welfare assessment of dairy cows, in: Abstracts of the Joint East Central and West Central Europe ISAE Regional Meeting, Vienna, 25–26 September, p. 10.

Prieto, M., Martino, S., Boroski, V., César, D. and Huertas, S. (2009) Caracterización de Vacas Lecheras a Través de Indicadores de Bienestar en Predios Lecheros del Uruguay. Presented at I Encuentro de Investigadores en Bienestar Animal de las Américas, Valdivia, 2–4 November.

Ruis, M., Coleman, G., Waiblinger, S. and Boivin, X. (2009) A multimedia-based cognitive-behavioural intervention program improves the attitude of stockpeople to handling pigs, in: ISAE Scientific Committee (ed.) Proceedings of the 43rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology 'Applied Ethology for Contemporary Animal Issues', Cairns, 6–10 July. Cairns: Organising Committee, p. 139.

Salaberry, X., Cesar, D., Huertas, S., Piaggio, L. and Gil, A. (2009) Evaluación de la Interacción Humano-Animal en Tambos de la Cuenca Lechera del Uruguay y su Influencia Sobre el Bienestar Animal. Presented at I Encuentro de Investigadores en Bienestar Animal de las Américas, Valdivia, 2–4 November.

Sandoe P. and Veissier I. (2009) Scoring the welfare of animals on farms: a matter of technique or ethics? in: Proceedings Conference 'Knowing Animals: Cross-fertilisation between Natural and Social Sciences for Understanding the Quality of Life', Florence, 5–6 March, 67.

Scott, K. and Hubbard, C. (2009) Do farmers and scientists differ in their understanding and assessment of farm animal welfare?, in: Proceedings Conference 'Knowing Animals: Cross-fertilisation between Natural and Social Sciences for Understanding the Quality of Life', Florence, 5–6 March, p. 68.

Scott, K., Binnendijk, G.P., Edwards, S.A., Guy, J.H., Kiezebrink, M.C. and Vermeer, H.M. (2009) Preliminary evaluation of a prototype welfare monitoring system for sows and piglets (Welfare Quality® project), Animal Welfare, 18(4), pp. 441–449.

Staack, M., Gruber, B., Keppler, C., Zaludik, K., Niebuhr, K. and Knierim, U. (2009) Brustbeindeformationen bei Legehennen aus ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieben in Deutschland und Österreich, in: G. Rahmann and U. Schuhmacher (eds) Praxis trifft Forschung: Neues aus der ökologischen Tierhaltung, Landbauforschung Sonderheft 332. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, pp. 47–54.

Schulze Westerath, H., Kirchner, M., Tessitore, E., Cozzi, G., Winckler, C. and Knierim, U. (2009) Is agonistic behaviour in beef bulls affected by housing conditions?, in: Abstracts of the Joint East Central and West Central Europe ISAE Regional Meeting, Vienna, 25–26 September, p. 15.

Spoolder, H.A.M. (2009) Assessing animal welfare ‘on farm’: the Welfare Quality® project, in: Proceedings of the 1er Encuentro Internacional sobre Protección y Bienestar Animal en la Producción Pecaria, Talavera de la Reina, 12–13 May.

Temple, D., Dalmau, A., Ruiz de la Torre, J.L, Manteca, X. and Velarde, A. (2009) Evaluation of an animal-based welfare protocol for growing pigs in intensive and extensive conditions, in: ISAE Scientific Committee (ed.) Proceedings of the 43rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology 'Applied Ethology for Contemporary Animal Issues', Cairns, 6–10 July. Cairns: Organising Committee.

Temple, D., Dalmau, A., Ruiz de la Torre, J.L, Manteca, X. and Velarde, A. (2009) Welfare evaluation of social and exploratory behaviours in fattening pigs housed in intensive and extensive conditions, in: Proceedings Conference 'Knowing Animals: Cross-fertilisation between Natural and Social Sciences for Understanding the Quality of Life', Florence, 5–6 March.

Temple, D., Manteca, X., Llonch, P., Rodríguez, P., Velarde, A. and Dalmau, A. (2009) Development of a welfare assessment system on farm and at the slaughtherhouse (Welfare Quality® project), in: European Federation of Animal Science, Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Barcelona, 24-27 August. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 112.

Turner, S. (2009) Selecting for less aggressive pigs: Possibilities and consequences, in: Proceedings of the international WIAS Symposium, Wageningen, pp. 27–28.

Turner, S.P., Roehe, R., D’Eath, R.B., Ison, S.H., Farish, M., Jack, M.C. and Lawrence, A.B. (2009) Selection against pig aggressiveness at regrouping; practical application and implications for long-term behavioural patterns, in: Proceedings of the UFAW International Symposium, Bristol, p. 23.

Veissier, I., Botreau, R. and Perny, P. (2009) Creating a welfare scoring system: ethics in practice, in: A. Butterworth, H. Blokhuis, B. Jones and I. Veissier (eds) Proceedings Conference 'Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparancy in the Food Production Chain', Uppsala, 8–9 October. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 27–30.

Windschnurer, I., Boivin, X., Coleman, G., Ruis, M., Mounaix, B., Brulé, A. and Waiblinger, S. (2009) A multimedia-based cognitive-behavioural intervention program improves attitudes and handling behaviours of stockpeople on dairy farms, in: Abstracts of the Joint East Central and West Central Europe ISAE Regional Meeting, Vienna, 25–26 September, p. 12.

Winckler, C. and Knierim, U. (2009) On-farm welfare assessment in cattle and risk factors for selected welfare problems: the Welfare Quality(R) approach, in: European Federation of Animal Science, Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Barcelona, 24-27 August. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 110.


Arnould, C. and Colin, L. (2008) Relation between a simple measure of activity, lameness and pododermatitis in meat type chickens, in: P. Koene (ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Ghent, 10-13 September. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looijen, p. 73.

Baroli, D., Minero, M., Zucca, D., Waiblinger, S. and Canali, E. (2008) Variability on handling practices in Italian dairy farms, in: P. Koene (ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Ghent, 10-13 September. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looijen, p. 114.

Baxter, E.M., Jarvis, S., Sherwood, L., Farish, M., Robson, S.K., Smurthwaite, K.M., Roehe, R., Lawrence, A.B. and Edwards, S.A. (2008) The influence of genetics and environment on indicators of piglet pre-weaning survival, in: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science 2008, Scarsborough, 31 March–2 April, p. 11.

Boivin, X., Gilard, F. and Egal, D. (2008) Maternal impact on beef calves’ reponses to humans, in: L. Boyle, N. O'Connell and A. Hanlon (eds) Proceedings of the 42th International Congress of the ISAE 'Applied Ethology: Addressing Future Challenges in Animal Agriculture', Dublin, 4–5 August. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 73.

Boivin, X., Juzeau, A., Prevost, N., Trillat, G., Godet, J., Boulesteix, P. and Brulé, A. (2008) The response of beef Limousine calves to humans during weighing reveals farmers profiles, in: P. Koene (ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Ghent, 10-13 September. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looijen.

Brenninkmeyer, C., Dippel, S., Brinkmann, J., March, S., Winckler, C. and Knierim, U. (2008) Risk factors for hock lesions in cubicle housed dairy cows in Germany and Austria, in: P. Koene (ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Ghent, 10-13 September. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looijen, p. 48.

Canario, L., Bergsma, R., D'Eath, R.B., Lawrence, A.B., Roehe, R., Lundeheim, N., Rydhmer, L., Knol, E. and Turner, S.P. (2008) Genetic relations between the group effect for average daily gain, and post-mixing aggression and skin lesions in Swedish pigs, in: Book of Abstracts of the 59th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Vilnius, 24–27 August. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 200.

Canario, L., Bergsma, R., D'Eath, R.B., Lawrence, A.B., Roehe, R., Lundeheim, N., Rydhmer, L., Knol, E. and Turner, S.P. (2008) Genetic relations between the group effect for average daily gain and post-mixing aggression and skin lesions in Swedish pigs, in: P. Koene (ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Ghent, 10-13 September. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looijen, p. 42.

Dalmau, A., Rodriguez, P., Llonch, P. and Velarde A. (2008) Application of the Welfare Quality protocol at pig abattoir, in: P. Koene (ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Ghent, 10-13 September. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looijen, p. 68.

D'Eath, R.B., Turner, S.P., Roehe, R. and Lawrence, A.B. (2008) Selection for reduced aggression in pigs: what is the impact on activity and social behaviour three weeks after mixing, and on behaviour during handling?, in: L. Boyle, N. O'Connell and A. Hanlon (eds) Proceedings of the 42th International Congress of the ISAE 'Applied Ethology: Addressing Future Challenges in Animal Agriculture', Dublin, 4–5 August. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 193.

Dippel, S., Dolezal, M., Brenninkmeyer, C., Brinkmann, J., March, S., Knierim, U. and Winckler, C. (2008) Influence of housing and management on lameness in cubicle housed Austrian Simmental dairy cows, in: J. Niemi (ed.) Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium and 7th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, Kuopio, 9–13 June. Kuopio: Savonia University of Applied Sciences, pp. 64–67.

Huertas, S. (2008) Aspectos de Bienestar Animal en la Producción de Bovinos de Carne. Presented at XXI Congreso Panamericano de Ciencias Veterinarias PANVET and 16th Reunión Anual de CONASA, Guadalajara, 12–16 October.

Huertas, S. (2008) Bienestar Animal en Sistemas de Producción. Presented at XV Congreso Nacional de Medicina Veterinaria, Pucón, 20–28 November.

Huertas S.M. and Gil A. (2008) Caracterización del Transporte Terrestre de Bovinos Hacia Plantas de Faena en Uruguay, Revista electrónica de veterinaria, 9(10B), pp. 1695–7504.

Huertas, S., Torres, E. de, Manteca, X., César, D., Piaggio, J. and Gil, A. (2008) Evaluation of some welfare issues in dairy cattle in free grazing conditions, in: P. Koene (ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Ghent, 10-13 September. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looijen.

Jong, I.C. de, Gerritzen, M., Reimert, H., Fritsma, E., Pieterse, C., 2008. Automated measurement of foot pad lesions in broiler chickens, in: P. Koene (ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Ghent, 10-13 September. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looijen. p. 32.


Blokhuis, H.J. (2007) Welfare Quality®: context, progress and aims, in: I. Veissier, B. Forkman and B. Jones (eds) Proceedings of 'Assuring Animal Welfare: From Societal Concerns to Implementation', Second Welfare Quality Stakeholder Conference, Berlin, 3–4 May. Lelystad: Welfare Quality®, pp. 9–12.

Huik, M.M. van, Kling-Eveillard, F., Prutzer, M., Bock, B.B. and Dockès, A.C. (2007) Attitudes of cattle, pig and poultry farmers in France, the Netherlands and Sweden towards animal welfare. Presented at XII congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology, Wageningen.

Veissier I. and Botreau, R. (2007) Construction d’une évaluation globale du bien-être animal. Presented at Réunion GDR Ethologie et journée de la PRC: Ethologie et bien-être éthologie appliquée et société, Nouzilly, 30 May.


Blokhuis, H.J. (2005) Introducing the Welfare Quality project, in: A. Butterworth (ed.) Proceedings of Welfare Quality Conference 'Science and Society Improving Animal Welfare', Brussels, 17-18 November, Lelystad: Welfare Quality®.

Blokhuis, H.J. (2005) Stakeholder involvement in Welfare Quality, in: A. Butterworth (ed.) Proceedings of Welfare Quality Conference 'Science and Society Improving Animal Welfare', Brussels, 17-18 November, Lelystad: Welfare Quality®.


Blokhuis, H.J. (2004) Integration of animal welfare in the food quality chain: from public concern to improved welfare and transparent quality, in: J. de Tavernier and S. Aerts (eds) Proceedings of 5th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics 'Science, Ethics and Society', Leuven, 2–4 September, Leuven-Heverlee: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, pp. 59–62.


Blokhuis, H.J. (2001) Measuring and monitoring animal welfare, in: M. Winberg (ed.) Proceedings of 'Ethics and Animal Welfare 2001' Conference, Stockholm, 29–30 May, pp. 15–16.

Poster Presentations

Leruste, H., Brscic, M., Lensink, B.J., Cozzi, G., Reenen, C.G. van (2010) Monitoring des problèmes respiratoires chez les veaux de boucherie: liens entre observations cliniques en élevage et lésions pulmonaires post-mortem. Presented at '17èmes Journées Rencontres Recherche Ruminants', Paris, 8–9 December.

Leruste, H., Lensink, J., Bokkers, E., Heutinck, L., Brscic, M., Cozzi, G., Reenen, K. van (2010) Evaluation of on-farm veal calves’ responses to humans: influence of group size on the outcome of two tests, in: L. Lidfors, H. Blokhuis and L. Keeling (eds) Coping in Large Groups – Proceedings of the 44th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), Upsala, 4–7 August, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 140.

Scott, K., Binnendijk, G.P., Edwards, S.A., Guy, J.H., Kiezebrink, M.C. and Vermeer, H.M. (2009) Risk factors for sow and piglet welfare indicators in an on-farm monitoring system, in: European Federation of Animal Science, Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Barcelona, 24-27 August. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 116.

César, D., Huertas, S., Gil, A. and Piaggio, J. (2008) Training experience to improve animal welfare in Uruguay, in: European Commission, 2nd OIE Global Conference on Animal Welfare: Putting the OIE Standards to Work Proceedings Cairo, 20–22 October. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, pp. 259–260.

Popular Articles

Vermeer, H.M. (2009) Voerstationtraining voor gelten, V-Focus, 6(3), pp. 37–39.

Blokhuis, H.J. (2008) Meet welzijn aan het dier zelf, V-focus+, 5(2), pp. 6–7.

Butterworth, A., Veissier, I., Manteca, X. and Blokhuis, H.J. (2008) Welfare trade, Public Service Review: European Union, 15, pp. 456–459.


Campion, J. (2008) Consistency of Temperamental Traits. Mémoire d'ingénieur, WUR, ISA-Lille.

Canali, E., Baroli, D., Zucca, D., Vezzoli, G., Pagliari, R., and Minero, M. (2008) I parametri adottati per le vacche da latte, Agricoltura, 38 Suppl., pp. 30–32.

Kling-Eveillard, F., Magdelaine, P. and Courboulay, V. (2009) Le bien-être animal dans les démarches qualité: point de vue des éleveurs. Paris: Institut de L´Elevage.

Veissier, I. (2010) Appearance, in: Bien-être des animaux en élevage, TV, TVagri, broadcast 8 Octobre 2010.

Veissier, I. (2010) Appearance, in: Evaluation du bien-être animal TV, FR3 Auvergne, 5 Octobre 2010, broadcast 8 October, 12 October.