Assessment Protocols

The Welfare Quality® Assessment Protocols for cattle (sans veal), poultry and pigs, including the Information Resource, are now available for downloading in PDF format.

Welfare Quality Information Resource

Cattle Protocol without Veal Calves

Pig Protocol

Poultry Protocol

Since the Welfare Quality® Assessment Protocols were first published it has come to our attention that the spline functions in the Protocols are not presented entirely correctly. We encourage the users of the Protocols to use the correct numbers for the spline functions as presented in the Excel file 'Spline Functions' and described in the Word document 'Upgraded Spline Functions'.

The Welfare Quality® Assessment Protocols were designed in such a way that they could be modified and upgraded in response to developments in technical and scientific knowledge. Any scientist can contribute to improvements in the Assessment Protocols by proposing measures for Welfare Quality® criteria that present a better compromise between validity and feasibility. Each proposal will be reviewed by the Welfare Quality Network Working Group for upgrading protocols. Please feel free to make any constructive proposal and post it on the website, using this pre-designed template.

To ensure continuation of the high standards set by the Welfare Quality Network an examination process has been developed in order to determine and certify the competency of candidates wishing to effectively assess animal welfare according to the requirements of the Welfare Quality® protocols. The process is described in the PDF document Qualifications.

Cattle assesment